Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Anti Abortion Rebuttal free essay sample

However, to murder the victim must first be alive, but what is the meaning of life? According to dictionary. com life is defined as the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, esp. metabolism, growth, reproduction and adaptation to environment. Hence, a fetus can not be alive because it lacks the ability to adapt to its environment, a fetus does not have senses to utilize in order to survive any environment except for the womb or a synthetic womb. Also the department of health and human services has established a law that specifically states that: to be alive with respect to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut, and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion. We will write a custom essay sample on Anti Abortion Rebuttal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Health and Human Services) Hence abortion can not be seen as murder because the fetus has no life and is unable to experience it. Secondly, the author speaks of contraceptives and its different forms such as: condoms, pills and surgeries. He speaks of how these would prevent pregnancies if the couple chooses not to have a child; unfortunately, things are not always so black and white. Condoms are sometimes inefficient due to the fact that sometimes the condom will pop and an unwanted pregnancy may occur. Pills in some cases are an even less desired means of birth control due to the numerous things a female may do to unconsciously lower the effectiveness of the pill and also the numerous amounts of side effects including: blood clots, high blood pressure, liver tumors, cervical cancer risk, gall bladder disease and many, many, many more. In some cases women who abort pregnancies do it because at that specific moment in their life they are just not ready for a baby but look forward to having one at a later date in their life. Surgery for one is ostly and secondly and most importantly once a sterilization of a female is complete it is highly unlikely for this process to be reversed. In the case that a responsible female takes the proper precautions by using a condom or taking a pill and still ends up with an unwanted pregnancy should she drop out of school get a job at McDonalds work for minimum wage and raise a baby in poverty or should she post pone her getting a baby get an education first then, when she is more capable to raise and manage a happy and healthy baby do so? Thirdly, â€Å"Rape is a big excuse for people who are for abortion. † Women who become pregnant through rape and even incest rape suffer the most severe form of emotional tragedy. Should they still go through with having that child even though they may be at a time in their life where a child may completely destroy their life and also the fact that, that child will be the embodiment of that one moment in their life that they try to forget? One of the underlying themes in Jimmyissmart’s paper is humanity. However, how ironic is it that he so quickly disregards pregnancies related to rape just because of their low occurrence, does the feelings, emotions and lives of women who get pregnant due to rape are tossed to the side just because they are a minority? Modern day America is not a country that tosses its minorities to the side and treat them as if they don’t count, that idea doesn’t seem very humane to me. Abortion is not murder and abortion is not an act of violence. It is not a requirement that underage women or women who can’t afford babies or even women who just don’t want a baby at that time have an abortion. An abortion is just an option the option for a woman to correctly choose the future that she wants for her and her child. Abortion offers women a second chance at life for in most cases having a baby would completely ruin a young girl’s future. In Jimmyissmart’s article â€Å"ABORTION† he completely ignores the life and future of the mother, completely objectifying women as if their future doesn’t matter, as if there only purpose is to reproduce. Considering everything discussed above and with women having babies at a time in their life that they think they can afford them it would ultimately lower the nation’s poverty statistic. â€Å"Abortion is not a solution, it becomes another problem. † (Jimmyissmart) Hence I propose just the opposite abortion is a solution not a problem.

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