Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Why I Am A Computer Science - 2459 Words

Although I have changed my mind numerous times throughout growing up on what I wanted to be when I was older, I have recently made the final decision- a software engineer. I am currently attending school for a degree in Computer Science, as well as preparing for an internship at Blizzard Entertainment in Irvine California. Since I will have a considerable amount of less experience than the other interns, I will really have to prove myself and show that I am cut out for the Blizzard team. My long-term goal is to finish my degree, go on to a university, continue to apply and go to the internships at Blizzard, and eventually become part of the Blizzard team. Interpersonal communication is even more of a skill I must conquer, not only because I must prove that I am competent in computer science, despite the short amount of time I have been in school, but also because communication skills, in general, are vital in this field. I have gathered information from several sources, including an interview with an employee at Blizzard. Before I go into depth on specifically what skills are needed and why, I will give a little background on what a software engineer does. Some tasks that a software engineer has that involves competent communication skills are training people to use computer software, coordinate activities related to a project with employees in other departments, assign work to subordinates, work effectively with people who need technical issues resolved, connect withShow MoreRelatedI Want to Pursue My Studies in Computer Science743 Words   |  3 Pagesthe wise. I am not too much of a stickler to norms, but I dont want to make this a dry short letter either. Why Computer Science? 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